The Foundation

Backed by our development, at NEOMA we want to increase that drive by helping to face the major challenges of the future. We are now at a pivotal moment in history: society has never undergone so many ecological, technological and geopolitical upheavals. At the same time, young people have profoundly changed. They have faced and must continue to face an age of wide-reaching uncertainty, and are often torn between both the wish for change and for pleasure here and now.

Supporting the new generations in this ever-changing world. 

It is against this unprecedented background that the School is launching its new 2023-2027 strategic plan. Entitled “Engage for the future”, its aim is to continue the transformation of NEOMA to help young people respond to the major challenges of the future and sustainably establish themselves as leaders. 

Together, let's continue to help our School make progress 

To back this new strategic plan and support the School in achieving its aims, the NEOMA Foundation is launching a fundraising campaign based on five key areas of strategic focus: equal opportunity, the student experience, the new Reims campus, academic excellence and research, and entrepreneurship.
By supporting NEOMA's development projects through its Foundation, you can make a tangible contribution with us to building a better future.

En apportant votre soutien aux projets de développement de NEOMA par le biais de sa Fondation, vous avez le pouvoir d'agir avec nous pour construire un avenir meilleur.

“Since the launch of its previous strategic plan, NEOMA has undergone a high rate of growth and has attained all of the objectives set in 2017. We are proud of several major achievements, such as the progress in our research, the high growth in the number of candidates for our programs, the creation of the first virtual campus in Europe, and the opening of our new campus in Paris. Our attractiveness has increased significantly, and that incites us to be equally ambitious in the new chapter in the development of our School, with the launch of our new 2023-27 strategic plan “Engage for the Future”. To serve our aims, we need the NEOMA community to help meet the hopes of our students and continue to drive our School forward. Thank you very much indeed for your ongoing support.” 

Delphine MANCEAU, NEOMA Managing Director 

“For 15 years, the purpose of the NEOMA Foundation has been to support the development projects of our School. Thanks to the generosity of our alumni and corporate sponsors, we have achieved a 40% increase in donations over the last 3 years. The figures are encouraging and incite us to be even more ambitious in terms of support for NEOMA’s drive forward: we aim to collect 13 million euros by the end of the 2023-27 strategic plan. We can only achieve that with your support, underlining your renewed confidence, so that our School can sustainably establish itself among the leaders” 

Jacky LINTIGNAT Graduate of the Grande École 75 Program President of the NEOMA Foundation 

For more than 15 years, the neoma foundation has backed the school's development.

It brings together our founders, corporate or individual donors, pro bono experts, experienced employees, all driven by the same intent to take action and make NEOMA Business School a strong, exemplary and innovative School.

Today we are proud of this network of several hundred stakeholders who have joined forces with us and have enabled us in recent years to develop a solid program of gender diversity and equal opportunity, found the first business incubators within the School and carry out research projects which have made the School well-known on the national and international scene.

We are convinced that by combining our talents that we can go even further.

A foundation under the aegis of by the fondation de France, a label of quality and transparency

Placed under the aegis of the Fondation de France, the NEOMA BS Foundation guarantees to all our individual and corporate backers that their donations are managed in a rigorous and transparent fashion, and strictly allocated according to their wishes.

Attached to the strictest transparency in all its activities and in the management of the funds entrusted to it, the Fondation de France has set up a system of governance and control by independent committees which report to the Board of Trustees. It is also subject to external controls (Court of Auditors) and internal controls (statutory auditors). In 2015, the Fondation de France obtained the IDEAS quality seal which informs and secures the donor, by establishing compliance with the implementation of best practices in terms of governance and financial management, as well as monitoring the effectiveness of the initiatives taken.


The Foundation's Executive Committee

The NEOMA Foundation's Executive Committee consists of dedicated men and women who use their skills to serve the community, guided by the same values and the wish to #Work together for others.

Jacky Lintignat, Président de la Fondation NEOMA (PGE 1975)

Ancien Directeur Général de KPMG France, Jacky Lintignat est impliqué depuis de nombreuses années au sein de l’École. Il a rejoint le Comité Exécutif de la Fondation en 2017 et en assure aujourd’hui la Présidence.


Delphine Manceau, Directrice Générale de NEOMA Business School

En tant que Directrice Générale de l’École, Delphine Manceau accompagne la Fondation dans ses orientations stratégiques en partageant avec le Comité éxécutif l’ensemble des enjeux et perspectives de l’École.


NEOMA Alumni, représenté par Ilan Benhaim (PGE 2001)
Laurent Kleitman (PGE 1988)
Isabelle Weill (PGE 1984)
Marc Wolff (PGE 1992)

Chief Executive Officer at Family Office Hive & Colony Management LLC, BOD member at Lacerta Therapeutics, BOD member at Oncodea et Operating Partner at Kineticos Ventures.

PwC, représenté par Philippe Couderc (PGE 1987)

Le cabinet PwC, représenté par Philippe Couderc, Associé, est engagé aux côtés de la Fondation NEOMA depuis sa création. Il l’accompagne dans son développement
et dans la découverte et la formation des nouveaux talents.


André Hemard (PGE 1977)
Victoria Benhaim (PGE 2014)
Michel Clément (PGE1975)

Après une brillante carrière à l’international dans le secteur des télécommunications, Michel Clément met aujourd’hui son expérience au service de la Fondation et contribue activement aux projets de développement de l’École et aux bourses.

A dedicated team


Directrice Relations Entreprises et Déléguée Générale de la Fondation NEOMA

Faustine Bourgoin

Chargée de projets Fundraising

Hélène Croisy

 Coordinatrice fundraising


Chargée de projets Fundraising